Ah Now that valentines is out of the way, we can now concentrate at looking at the profile of the perfect partner for life not just the one that fit the bill for valentines day.
Whilst I am no dating expert, I was blessed enough o spend 5 days with an international Dating guru and New york Times no.1 best selling Author so ive learned a thing or two! Dating advise That i give on this blog are tried and tested by me – I will speak only from experience and i do mean a lot of experience – and share what I have learned along the way and found to be invaluable dating advise. Things i whole heartedly recommend and when put into practise, have served me and my friends well.
So lets get straight into the first Dating Topic for the blog – and to this Video.. Enjoy X
This look was for a date night, and a typical look for me for such occasions. A short, long sleeve dress that is loose and comfortable (so will conceal all the food and cocktails i consume :)) I dress up the look with sexy red/pink heels and complementary red Chanel bag.
This look is relaxed yet sexy and classy without looking like you’ve tried too hard so its a great and appropriate for a first date right up to date night with the hubby.
Im sorry to say that this is an old dress from House of Fraser that is unfortunately no longer available. I have however found and linked a similar printed dress in a nice flattering shirt style together with a couple similar shoes and bag options below.
So check it out Xo
Very Inspiring video and great look! xx
Thank you Hunny XXXX
Very insightful video….. Will go make a list.
You hit the nail on the head in that video. Incredibly insightful and full of wise words. I laughed at no 50/50. So so true and very generous. It doesn’t make a gold digger it just means I know what I deserve. I have stopped trying to explain why this is important to me to other women. After writing down what you want it’s important not to settle because of pressure otherwise it’s a long life full of misery that awaits.
As always you look ever so fabulous in your photos thank you for sharing. ??
haha.. Yes No 50/50 So glad youre with me on that. Oh the debates and arguments!
Thanks for the love darling XXX